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- >甲州印伝とは
鹿革を加工する技術は、西暦400年代に高麗より我が国へもたらされたと『日本書紀』にあります。 当時は紫草の根からとった染料や、あかねの根の汁で染めたりした鹿革に絵を描いたり、木版等で着彩をしていました。松ヤニなどをいぶしてその煙により着色した技法もありました。
西暦900年代に入ると武人が鹿革を甲胄に使用するようになり、文様もそれまでにない小桜、しょうぶ、菱などが用いられ、種類も多くなりました。 応仁の乱(1467年)以後、乱世を反映して革工は大いに栄えることになります。鹿革の軽さや丈夫さが重宝されたためです。
1700年頃になると甲州の革工が革に漆を付け始めました。これは、松皮いんでん、地割いんでんとも言われ、革肌はきわめてなめらかなものでした。 また京都の革工が更紗風の印伝革を造って人気を得、このころの句に「印伝を明けて橘二分で買い」というのがあります。 その後、明治に入り、海外より輸入された多様な革製品が日本で使われるようになったため、 印伝も時代に合わせ様々な形に姿を変えていきました。
It is said that the processing method of deerskin came to Japan in the 5th century. In those days, people drew patterns on deer leather with colorful dyes made from plant roots, or printed patterns with woodblocks. There was also a coloring technique using smoke from burning pine tar.
From the 10th century, Samurai, the Japanese soldiers became to use deer leather for their armors. As a result, the new patterns such as Kozakura (small cherry blossom), Shobu (iris), Hishi (diamond shape) had increased. During the Sengoku Era (the age of provincial wars), the demand for deer leather increased tremendously because of its strength and lightness.
TAKEDA Shingen (1521-1573), the famous warlords from Kai Province (present Yamanashi Prefecture) valued the suppleness and strength of deer leather. He was said to have used a deer leather bag called Shingen-Bukuro (Shingen’s bag) for keeping and carrying his armor. The bag is said to be the root of Koshu Inden.
In the 17th century, inspired by gorgeously colored leather souvenirs from overseas offered to the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japanese craftsmen tried to make similar items domestically. The deer leather crafted in such a way was called “Indea leather", meaning "the leather from India". This word is said to be the origin of the word "Inden". Daimyo or regional governors preferred to wear leather Hakama pants or socks, and also decorated their horses with gorgeous leather saddles. Not only upper-class people but also ordinary Samurai or citizens came to use leather items such as pouches for tobacco or coins.
Around the 18th century, deer leather craftsmen of Koshu (another name of Kai province) developed the Urushi-Duke technique, applying Urushi lacquer to deer leather. The surface of the leather coated with Urushi was quite smooth. After the opening of the country to the world at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, various kind of leather products have begun to imported to Japan and became more popular. Also Inden changed its form with the times.
1996年には山本誠が甲州印伝 伝統工芸士(総合部門)の資格を取得し、2018年には現社長 山本裕輔が同資格を22年ぶりに取得。現在国内唯一の伝統工芸士(総合部門)です。 印傳の山本では先人の仕事に敬意を払いつつ、新しい時代にあるべき甲州印伝の姿を日々探究しています。
In 1975, Kofu Inden Commerce Association was established of several companies in Yamanashi prefecture, and Koshu Inden was designated as Japan Traditional Craft in 1987.
Yamamoto Makoto, the former president of Inden Yamamoto was certified as a master of Japan Traditional Craft Koshu Inden (General Section) in 1996, and for the first time of 22 years, his eldest son Yamamoto Yusuke was also awarded the same title in 2018. As of 2020, Yusuke is the only master in this field. While respecting the ancestors who passed down the techniques and cultures to us, we, Inden Yamamoto keep challenge every day to find how Koshu Inden should be today and in the future.
いただいたお問い合わせに対する返信、商品の発送業務等は翌営業日より順次対応させていただきます。 -
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